
Heroesville: Heroes Season 3, Episode 15: “Trust and Blood” (Feb 10)

In a scene with Peter and Tracy, we get a surprise – Peter only has one power at a time now. When he copies one, he loses the previous one. That’s bad news for the good guys, but it does make things more interesting when you don’t have a guy with infinite power. Peter is basically Ultra Boy now.

Bennet is really trying to Claire to fall into line, and I still can’t figure out what his game is. On the one hand, I can see him believing that “abilities have to be controlled”. It’s all about protecting Claire for him, and people with powers have been nothing but trouble for her. On the other hand, every time it seems like he’s drifted over to the dark side, he always brings it back. Nathan, though? Nathan is just a tool. And it seems like Nathan is only barely in control of Hunter. That guy’s dangerous.

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