
Heroesville: Heroes, Season 3, Episode 21 – “Into Asylum” (Mar 31)

Danko heads into his car to smoke, and he really looks like he’s falling apart. And then we see Sylar’s waiting in the back. Yay, Sylar! He wants to work with Danko, since they both have the same goal – “killing people like me”. Danko’s not going for it, and he pulls a gun on Sylar, only to find that he’s already gone. Is Sylar a teleporter now? Because he totally needs to be more dangerous…

Back at HQ, Danko’s putting out an APB for Martin. Bennet pushes for “One of us, one of them” again, but this time he sells it as a manipulation or resources. Good tactic, since Danko doesn’t really think of them as people anyway. With Sylar on the loose, he puts Bennet on the task of rounding up Angela Petrelli instead. Good priorities, man.

Wow, I think the writers are starting to hate Claire. She’s a jerk to Nathan, and while he sort of has it coming, he’s saved her so many times by now that she at least owes him a little gratitude. She also pawns the necklace Bennet gave her, because she hates everybody who disagrees with her ever. Anyway, Nathan decides to make money in a drinking contest with some frat guys. Oh, this could go so wrong….

Angela and Peter wait in the church (the church where Angelina and Arthur were married), and she makes an interesting reference to how she only has her dreams when her sleep is “earned”.

Danko’s waiting in his Room of Obsession, while an agent comes in to thank him for being “inspirational”. A hidden cell phone rings – Danko finds it on top of a mystery box. Sylar managed to smuggle in both the phone and the box without anybody noticing, because he’s just that good. There’s a severed head in the box, from another of the new guy’s kills. Sylar also reveals that the killer is a shape-shifter, which sends the inspired agent running from the room. Danko and his agents track him to the parking garage and start shooting. On the way down, Martin touches the janitor, which makes a sound effect. As he runs, he (seemingly painfully) changes his appearance to that of the janitor. Ah, so he has to touch somebody to copy their appearance. Think that handshake with Danko will be important?

Angela’s starting to fall apart, apologizing to Peter for the way she raised him. She really seems to be seeking forgiveness here. It’s weird to see that she isn’t in control of things, isn’t it?

Back in the bar, Nathan is putting away superhuman amounts of alcohol, but he finally passes out. With all of their money on the line, Claire offers up his watch as collateral for a rematch. Only this time, she’s doing the drinking. Well, of course. She can’t get drunk since any damage from alcohol will be repaired. Nice use of her powers!

Danko tracks Sylar down to Martin’s apartment. He analyzes Sylar pretty accurately, saying he wants Martin’s power because he desperately wants to be somebody else. Come to think of it, Sylar does use a lot of disguises and accents. Good job, Danko! When Danko threatens to shoot him, Sylar reminds him that the part of the brain that he would need to shoot is “microscopic”. Danko assures him he’s a good shot. Hee. Once again Sylar makes his pitch to help round up everybody else “and then you can take your shot”. I do believe he’s won Danko over this time.

Peter has a crisis of faith in the church, speaking to the figure of Jesus. He can’t help anybody anymore, and he’s angry at everybody. “We had a deal,” he says. We haven’t really seen evidence that Peter is religious before, but it does make sense. Anyway, some of Danko’s agents enter the church at this point. Angela and Peter sneak out, because these are the dumbest federal agents alive. Where’s Special Agent Pretty Lady? Nobody escapes from her!

Sylar and Danko root through Martin’s apartment, looking for some information about him. His closet is full of different costumes and uniforms. Sylar thinks he’s trying on personalities, and he’s basically just doing it to score. They find a matchbook from the “Garden of Eden”, which sounds like the kind of fleshpot that a shapeshifter might dig.

Claire is pretty funny in Mexico, pretending to be drunk. It’s great, because she acts like somebody who’s only ever seen drunk people in old movies. She wins the drinking contest with her indestructible liver.

As Angela and Peter hide, she explains that all of her lies and manipulation have been just the means to avert the apocalypse she saw in a dream. Man, Angela is way more messed up than we had reason to believe.

Nobody has ever looked more out of place than Danko at the Garden of Eden. Well, except for two Dankos at the Garden of Eden. That’s right, Martin has taken his form to score with bar skanks. It’s two Dankos for the price of one! As Sylar says, “He’s a better you than you”. Fake Danko catches sight of real Danko, and the chase is on.

Claire drags drunk Dad to their cheap hotel, which is really just sad. Nathan’s an apologetic drunk, which brings back unpleasant memories of being me. He attempts to apologize for being absent and then bungling their relationship. He says her “free pass” was an attempt to win her over and now he wants to try to fix the mess he created. Nathan’s most idealistic when he’s drunk or full of bullets, I’ve noticed.

In a neat scene, it seems as if Sylar is starting to doubt the nearest Danko, since they both lost track of Martin. As they leave the club, Sylar pulls a gun, but Danko pulls his faster and puts a bullet in him. Then, the real Sylar arrives. Well played, Martin, but no well played enough. Danko left Martin alive for Sylar, but he wants him to take the power without opening his head. Sylar seems to oblige. By the way, panicky fake Sylar is kind of hilarious.

In Mexico, Nathan and his daughter wake up after a hard night of boozing. Suddenly, Nathan doesn’t have any big ideas about how to fix things. He’s sounding like the old Nathan again, and it’s almost starting to make sense that he thought he was doing the right thing. I mean, I still think his plan was pretty awful, but at least it seems like Nathan was misguided rather than evil. As Nathan mopes about his inability to save the day, Claire says “You’re supposed to be Superman” and leaves.

Back with Peter and Angela where she’s waking up from a nap. She had a dream about an angel, now she needs to reunite the family and go see her sister. Is that Millie from last week? Or is there another Petrelli running around.

Nathan meets Claire at the bus station. He pawned his watch to get her necklace back, which Claire will appreciate until she gets mad at Bennet again. Nathan’s gotten himself together, and he’s bringing Claire along for the ride.

And now we see why Danko wanted Martin’s body killed cleanly. He shows Bennet the bodybag containing a corpse that looks exactly like Sylar. Bennet is clearly impressed, but seems a little bit, I don’t know, disappointed. Did he finally come around to the idea that Sylar can be redeemed? Or is he just sad that he isn’t the one who pulled the trigger. It looks like Danko and Sylar no have a long-term partnership. “If we succeed, you’ll be the only one left”. OK, that’s pretty great. The two sociopaths working together – I am officially intrigued.

Hey, we’re getting near the end of the season here. It looks like we’re getting the pieces assembled for a big-time fight, doesn’t it? And next week, it’s the secret history of the Petrelli family! Of course, it was the shortest promo ever, so that’s really just a guess. See you then!
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