Lost Revisited: An Open Letter to Harold Perrineau (Jun 6)

…there are all these questions about how they respond to black people on the show.

Really? Are there? I follow this show pretty closely, and I am not really aware of these questions. Do you really want to go there, playing the race card like that? That’s a big card, and you don’t want to pull it out of your sleeve unless you’re really sure. When was Michael’s race an issue? Michael’s fate didn’t have anything to do with the color of his skin. That’s just a crappy move there, not only alleging that your character died because of racism, but also indicating that this racism has been an ongoing thing. On the show that features network TV’s only prominent Asian characters? On the series that features an Iraqi hero? Not cool.

Oh, by the way? You know what writers and producers love? Being accused of racism. That’s going to get you a lot of work in the near future. Everybody wants to work with somebody who might just accuse them of hating black people every time their scenes get cut for time. That’s a cheap shot, and I wish you could say you’re only hurting yourself. Unfortunately, it kind of sucks for the people who you’re slandering, too.

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