LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

Episode 10: “The Deal”

Michael is in a small room, seated on the ground with his arms tied behind a post. Juliet enters. This seems to be the first time they’ve met, as Juliet introduces herself. She tells him that he can have the boat he wanted, and mentions “Beatrice said you saw your son”. Juliet says she spent some time with Walt, describing him as “interesting”, “smart”, and “special”. When Michael wants to know what she means by “special”, she explains “He’s not an ordinary boy. I’m worried about him.” Further she’s “glad that you’re going to get him away fron here”. Michael doesn’t believe her, but Juliet assures him that she’s not his enemy. She tells him there’s a man in his camp named Ben, and that Michael is going to free him. He’s “very important”, and he’s the one who can and will get Michael off the Island. Michael doesn’t believe her, and Juliet tells him “I made a deal with him, too”. Michael asks why she’s still here, and she answers “because he saved my sister’s life”. Juliet ask Michael “Wouldn’t you do anything to save Walt?”, and then says “you have your list – good luck”, before leaving Michael along again.

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