LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

Episode 11: “Tropical Depression”

Arzt is sneaking around the edges of the camp with an open jar. He catches a spider in his jar, just as Michael approaches. Michael asks him about the “wind situation for tomorrow”. Arzt admits he doesn’t know – he lied about the upcoming monsoon to motivate Michael to launch the raft sooner. Michael seems OK with this, and then Arzt blurts out “I fell in love with a women from Australia.” He met her on the Internet, and saved his money to come visit her. Only, he used his friend Nick’s picture. He thought it wouldn’t matter since they “connected”. He took her to dinner, for lobster, and she went to the bathroom and never came back. “And they wouldn’t even let me give the frickin’ lobster back!” Every time Michael gets up to leave, Arzt resumes his story. He says the worst part was that he could have just spent some time in Australia, but instead booked an early flight back, ending up on flight 815. Michael tells him to quit feeling sorry for himself, since they’re all in the same fix. Arzt apologizes for lying, and Michael says it’s no big deal. Arzt promises he’ll be the first one to greet the rescuers when Michael gets help.

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