LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

I always like seeing Arzt again, and this scene is a neat way to fix a continuity error. Arzt explained that a monsoon was coming at the end of Season One, which is what motivated them to launch the raft as soon as possible. And then, well, we never saw that monsoon. Turns out, Arzt made it up. We also find out why he was in Australia in the first place, which ends up being really sad. And of course, not only did Michael not return with help, but Arzt was blown up shortly after this scene. Everything about this scene is depressing! By the way, Arzt’s bug collection played a role in a Season Three flashback – remember Niki and Paulo and the spider that killed them? This doesn’t appear to be that same species, but it still sets it up nicely.

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