LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

Episode 12: “Arzt and Crafts”

Sun and Jin are folding clothes. Jin points out a couple of lovers to Sun, but Sun says they’re not, and that Boone and Shannon are brother and sister. Jin wonders how she knows, since the two of them don’t speak Korean, and Sun doesn’t speak English. Sun covers, saying it was a guess. The camera pulls back to show Sun and Jin nearby, and Arzt runs up, asking them whether they’re moving to the caves. This is the first Michael has heard of the move. Arzt, says that “Jack, the bald guy, and what’s-her-face” found some caves, and they think the Lostaways should move there. Arzt doesn’t like the idea, because caves mean moisture, and also that spiders will lay eggs in his mouth while he sleeps. He then tells Sun and Jin, slowly and loudly, that if there’s a vote to go to the caves, they should vote ‘no’. Hurley says he trusts Jack, but Arzt is not convinced Jack is a great leader. He says he hurt Jack “running through the jungle, crying for his daddy”. He announces that he’s not moving, and everybody is stopped dead by a very short burst of Monster sound. Arzt looks around and announces that he’s moving to the caves.

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