LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

Still, whatever happens to our Lostaways in the next few weeks, Dr. Marvin Candle is the only one we know will still be standing at the end of it.


And speaking of the Swan, we’ve seen a little bit of the construction of the Hatch now. I find myself wondering why they built it.. See, the Hatch was either built to contain something, or something went wrong during construction. Either there was something creating massive amounts of electromagnetism that was endangering everybody, or their attempt to build the Swan resulted in dangerous energy building up. I tend to think the plan was always to contain something, since they built it in Hostile territory. You don’t take that kind of unnecessary risk when you already have plenty of perfectly good Hatch-building land. I’m unclear on the possible link between electromagnetism and atomic weapons, no matter how many people try to explain it to me, but is it possible they built the Hatch over the long-buried atom bomb? Let’s face it – burying a bomb on the Island is probably going to have more complications than burying a bomb anywhere else in the world.

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