LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

And finally, bonus points this week go to spunkybuddy Larry Young, who has a fantastic theory about the true nature of Jacob. He suggests that Jacob is a regular guy who was “smeared across time” by some sort of accident. This would leave him a disembodied consciousness, possibly one who experiences all time simultaneously. He possesses the freshly-dead to interact with the living, which explains Christian. (Mr. Young also suggests Locke as one of those reanimated corpses, but I believe I’ve made my feelings clear on any “Locke is actually dead” theories.) I love this idea! Most of what we’ve seen Christian / Jacob actually do can be explained by him knowing what has to happen and being where he’s supposed to be. And this would mean that Jacob isn’t the soul of the Island, but rather, some poor guy who got unstuck in time permanently. It certainly works nicely with the scene in Season Three when Jacob asked Locke for his help, doesn’t it? This one is going straight to the Big Board of My Favorite Theories, where it will sit comfortably next to “Locke and Benry have the same mother”. There’s a space available on the Big Board and everything, now that “Dr. Marvin Candle is Miles’ father” has graduated to “cold, hard fact”.

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