LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

Episode 9: “The Envelope”

This scene takes place in Juliet’s house. The fire alarm is going off and her muffins are burning. She pulls the tray out of the oven, burning her hand and sending muffins rolling across the floor. She slumps to the ground, frustrated. The doorbell rings. An older woman comes in and helps her clean up. She asks Juliet if she invited Ben, but Juliet says it’s gotten awkward. “Finally told you how he felt?” asks the other woman. Juliet just says that it’s complicated, but the other woman wonders why she’s crying. Juliet answers “I think we’re in big trouble” and offers to show her something. She swears the woman to secrecy and takes a manila envelope out of a drawer. Just as she opens it, the doorbell rings.

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