LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Variable”

OK, this one is pretty hard to follow taken on its own. Unlike the other mobisodes, this was actually shot as part of a Season Three episode, but it got cut for time. This takes place right before the book club meeting. You remember, the one that Benry wasn’t invited to because they were reading Carrie? The one that was interrupted when Flight 815 broke in half right above them? Yeah. So the envelope contains Benry’s X-rays, and that’s what Juliet is worried about. It’s interesting to see that even Juliet relied heavily on Benry’s leadership, even this late in the game. By the way, the woman in the scene is identified in the episode where this was originally supposed to air as “Amelia”. Now, the airport where Juliet boarded a plan for the Island (before waking up in a submarine) was “Hearat Aviation”. “Herarat” is an anagram for “Earhart”, possibly the most famous of all Amelias. (Narrowly edging out “Amelia Bedelia”.)

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