LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Incident”

Here we are, on the eve of the Season Five finale. Jack has a hydrogen bomb, Locke’s ready to kill Jacob, and Richard “Batmanuel” is off on two crusades, thirty years apart. I feel like we’ve gone beyond the point where mere mortals can predict exactly what’s going to happen, as evidenced by the fact that nobody had any theories for me this week. It’s not easy to do a pre-game with no sweet delicious input to work from.
It’s worth mentioning that Lost’s own JJ Abrams directed the new Star Trek movie. The plot involves an attempt to change the past. For what it’s worth, it works there, although the indication is that it actually just creates a variant timeline that doesn’t take the place of the original. Just something to keep in mind in the event that this season ends with a mushroom cloud.
I didn’t notice this in my first viewing, but in 1977, Widmore made a remark to Ellie about how she shouldn’t make the trip to the bomb in her “condition”. So yeah, Ellie is apparently pregnant with Daniel when she kills his adult incarnation. If that’s not the most messed-up thing you’ve heard today, you are leading a dark life. And does this mean that Faraday was born on the Island? If so, we’ve got Miles, Charlotte, and Daniel all born there. At what point did childbirth become
impossible? When Amy birthed little Ethan, they indicated that pregnant women were removed from the Island via sub. But maybe that was a safety precaution instead of a necessity. Sometime between 1977 and 2004, something went wrong. Maybe whatever goes wrong at the Hatch is what makes pregnancy fatal and makes men super-fertile. And when exactly does Ellie leave the Island with Daniel? Based on Daniel’s age in the piano flashback, the two of them leave the Island long before Widmore does. (He isn’t exiled until after the Purge.)
By the way, this also means that Charlotte, Miles, and Daniel all left the Island with their mothers and either didn’t know their fathers or hadn’t seen them in decades. So Frank’s the only one of the Fantastic Foursome who isn’t a fatherless Island Baby. Unless there’s something we don’t know. Widmore was very specific in who he put on that freighter, so Frank just might have a connection to the Island that hasn’t been revealed.
Alternatively, Widmore might have chosen Frank because he had already figured out that the fake Flight 815 was, well, fake. (Remember, he spotted on TV that the corpse of the pilot was missing his ever-present wedding ring.) Putting Frank on the freighter might have just been a handy way to get a pilot on the boat and get a loose end off the mainland.
I think we all freaked out a little when Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert told Sun that he watched her friends die. That certainly gives the time-lost Lostaway a bleak outlook. However, putting aside the question of whether we can change the past, there’s still an out. When Sayid turned up last week, he was absolutely convinced that Benry was dead. If Sayid, soldier and hitman, can be mistaken as to whether somebody was dead, so can Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert. Or heck, maybe it’s another lie on the part of the Oceanic Six, and they’ve made Richard a part of it. Remember the Lost rule: It didn’t necessarily happen until we see that it happened.
You know, I think it might be time to reassess Jacob. Even before he came back from the dead and knew how the pieces fit, Locke had a pretty good history of being right about things. (A fact that Jack is finally acknowledging.) If Locke plans to kill Jacob, then it’s no longer safe to assume that Jacob is the Island’s version of God. We’re back to one Mr. Larry Young’s theory that Jacob is just a regular guy who went splat against the timestream. Of course, somebody who’s eternal and possibly noncorporeal could give the impression of being a being of great theological significance rather than some poor sap who got hosed by physics. And remember, the one thing Locke heard Jacob say is “Help me”. That doesn’t sound like a deity to me. That sounds like a guy in trouble.
Of course, if Jacob isn’t the Island’s master, we now have to wonder what the battle is that Benry and Widmore have both alluded to. If it’s not Jacob vs. Smokey, what is it? Is it whatever is going to happen at the temple? Is the battle really Benry vs. Widmore? And if so, who’s right?
This also throws my take on Christian into question. Sure, it’s possible that he’s still a pawn of Jacob in one way or another. But now, if Jacob is just a guy, maybe Christian is just Christian. Locke came back when his body returned to the Island, so it’s possible that Christian did too. This should make spunkybuddy Jennifer happy, as she’s a proponent of the idea that Christian is Christian.
So let’s say Christian isn’t Jacob. Is he resurrected, or a ghost? Again, we’ve seen resurrection now, so we can’t dismiss it. However, I’m in the “ghost” camp. Keep in mind, Jack saw Christian in LA (although he was popping pills at the time, and I think that Dr. House has taught us a valuable lesson about how painkiller-addicted doctors can hallucinate some crazy stuff). However, he also appeared to Michael on the freighter. That sounds like ghost behavior to me.
Also, I can’t find any scenes where Christian physically interacts with somebody on the Island. Sure, he pets Vincent in one of the mobisodes, but he was freshly not dead then. You see a dog, you pet him. That’s how it works. Remember, he made a point of not helping Locke up when he broke his leg and had to get to the wheel. He said it was something Locke had to do himself. Maybe he wasn’t teaching self-reliance, he was just unable to help since he didn’t have a physical presence. And yes, he was carrying a lantern in that scene, but I don’t see why ghosts can’t have props. And Christian knows a lot of things that he shouldn’t, but Locke does now, too. So it seems like we’ve got a chance that Christian is either Christian or Ghost Christian.
And if Jacob is really some poor sap, that leaves all the power on the Island in the misty hands of Smokey. He’s been described as a “security system”, but I don’t know if that’s trustworthy. After all, it was a probably dead French guy who said it from offscreen. Not the most reliable source. But if your security system a smoke monster than is strong enough to uproot trees, can read people’s pasts, and assume different forms, well, you’re protecting something pretty freaking awesome.
I’m cutting it short because tomorrow will be a big night with much typing and excited squealing. However, just as I was finishing up, I got an email from spunkybuddy Chicago Rachel. She’s my go-to on all things related to Egypt, and she says that the hieroglyphics that appeared on the counter in the Hatch translate to “underworld”. With the Anubis imagery that appears throughout the temple, that’s pretty interesting. Anubis was the god of the underworld, after all. And the statue was holding ankhs, which appears in most representation of Anubis. So I think we know who that statue is now! Of course, there’s a question as to why Dharma put hieroglyphics on their timer. They don’t have a temple, they don’t put any stock in Egyptian mythology. So maybe somebody who built the Hatch has ties to the Others. Is it some kind of code? Does Radzinsky or Horace know more about the Others than they’re letting on? I hadn’t thought about it before, but the hieroglyphics definitely tie the Hatch to the Others in some way.
I’ll meet you back here when we’re all emotionally wrecked by the finale. I will do my best to write something that’s not the word “AWESOME!” repeated over and over again. I make no promises.

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