LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Lighthouse”

Look-a-Locke – This came up in conversation with spunkybuddy Jennifer last week, and I think it’s worth a mention. How did he know the last thoughts going through Locke’s mind, as he quoted them to Benry?

One thing we’ve seen Smokey do in the past is to scan people. That’s how he knew to appear to Eko as Yemi, and how he appeared as Alex to Benry. And in fact, when Smokey faces somebody down, we often see flashes of their life amid the smoke. Locke is one of the people Smokey has scanned, so he’s got a pretty good idea of who Locke is. He’s also scanned Benry, so he witnessed Locke’s death through his eyes. Knowing Locke, and then seeing his death, it’s certainly not a stretch to extrapolate that Locke’s last thoughts were “I don’t understand”. Because, you know, Benry talked him out of suicide and then strangled him. That’s what I’d think, I can tell you that.

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