LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Lighthouse”

Of course, he might even be able to scan the dead. Whoever’s appearing as Christian knows that he’s the father of Jack and Claire – if Smokey was ever Christian (and I’m no longer convinced that he was), he had to have taken that knowledge from somewhere. And here’s another thought – if Smokey scans somebody, learns their whole life and how they felt about everything that’s ever happened to them, isn’t it possible that he takes on their characteristics, at least a little bit? What Smokey does is to know somebody as well as they know themselves, and it seems like that would have to leave some sort of residue. Is it possible that there’s a little bit of Locke left in Smokey? Last week, we saw him yell “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” – will we see further evidence of Locke? You guys, I will clutch at any straw to bring Locke back…

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