LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Lighthouse”

Also worth noting – Jack Shephard’s number is 23. In the Old Testament, Psalm 23 is the famous “The Lord is my shepherd” passage.

Now, over the years, specific people were told that they weren’t “on the list”. Kate, for example. However, Mikhail told Locke and Sayid that they weren’t on the list, and Danny Pickett (the Other whose wife Sun killed) said that Jack wasn’t on the list. The obvious explanation is that people didn’t necessarily have all the facts. After all, Jacob only communicated directly with Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert. And it’s worth noting that there have been many, many lists on this show. Benry and Goodwin have both referred to a list of “good people”, but that’s not necessarily the same thing. Ethan made a list, Goodwin made a list, Miss Klugh had a list, it seems like the ankh contained a list for Dogen. Jacob liked to make lists – so every reference to a list doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re talking about this list. But this here is the master list.

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