LOST Revisited: Pre-Game for “The Lighthouse”

By the way, spunkybuddy Julie had the idea that number 42, Kwon, might actually refer to Ji Yeon, and not to either parent. For storytelling purposes, that would justify why the poor kid never gets mentioned. She’s a stealth candidate!

And then we have the kid who tells Look-a-Locke that he can’t kill Sawyer. Whatever game Jacob’s playing, it has clearly defined rules and something in place to enforce those rules. A cosmic slap-bet commissioner, if you will. Last week, I referenced the Island itself as the governing body, and that still makes sense to me. At various times in the past, we’ve heard about the Island’s will. The Island wasn’t ready for Michael to die yet, for example. And these references have been made by people who follow Jacob – Benry and Tom spring to mind.

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