LOST Revisited, Season 5, Episode 4: “The Little Prince” (Feb 5)

By the way, are Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert and The Others jumping through time as well? Because they probably got sick right away – they’ve been on the Island for a really long time. I just thought of that, and now I’m really worried about Richard “Batmanuel” Alpert.

It seems like this time jump landed them in the near future. Their camp on the beach is still there, but it seems to have been raided. Since people with boats didn’t show up and drink their beer before, they must be in a time after Benry turned the wheel. And seeing Vincent’s leash, well, I really hope Bernard and Rose are taking care of Vincent and they’re safe somewhere. Anyway, the Zodiac raft is gone, but a cool looking scull is on the beach, with bottled water from “Azura Airlines”. Well, what the heck is that about?

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