LOST Revisited, Season 5, Episode 4: “The Little Prince” (Feb 5)

And on the Island, the French people get Jin to shore. Sure enough, it’s Rousseau’s group. That’s a young, pregnant Rousseau there. And poor Jin is completely perplexed. He’s been bobbing in the water – he doesn’t know he’s been time traveling all along! Not only is Jin back, but we’ve got a chance at getting some of Rousseau’s backstory fleshed out. We’re all winners here!

I’d just like to wrap with a couple of ideas. Now, my original Lost timeline was, well, lost when my old computer died on me. But is it possible that the “plague” that killed off the rest of Rousseau’s team was really Benry’s poison gas attack that wiped out the Dharma Initiative? Does the timeframe match up on that? I’ll have to look into that.

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