LOST Revisited, Season 5, Episode 4: “The Little Prince” (Feb 5)

Finally, and I usually don’t discuss the previews, but I’m really excited about this. In the preview, Benry tells Sun “Jin is alive, and I can prove it.” Well, how can that be? What if, on one of their upcoming time jumps, the Lostaways meet Benry in the past? Say that Future Locke meets Benry in, say, 2002. Locke could give Benry information about his future, so that, when Benry first appeared on the show, he’d already met the Lostaways of the future and learned about them. Why is he always one step ahead? Because people from the future told him what was going to happen! Benry seems to understand the way the Island’s jumping through time, and the best way for him to have learned that is from a time traveler. That could be how Benry got all the information about the Lostaways in the first place – Locke told him! I’m really enthused about this. So then Benry knew that shooting Locke and leaving him in a mass grave wouldn’t kill him, since Future Locke had already appeared to him. Benry may have been just making sure that events happen the way they were supposed to. Thus, Benry knows Jin is alive because he met Future Jin in the past.

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