Mad Men

Mad Men Round Table: Season 2, Episode 3 – “The Benefactor” (Aug 13)

As you know, spunkybean likes recapping things.  Usually we stick to poking fun at crazy people on reality shows.  But sometimes, a show is so good and complex (i.e. Lost, Heroes, Swingtown) it warrants summation and speculation.  Certain shows have so many loose ends and cliffhangers, you can’t help but wonder.


A minor point, but is this really February?  Creator Matt Weiner seems to be big on ‘dates’ and time lines.  What kind of February in North America allowed Betty to prance around her riding club in such sensible, mild-weather riding clothes?

To you ladies out there.  The next time any of you make me angry, I’m going to give you the ol’  “Don Draper Disabler” which appears to include a hair pull and some kind of groin grab.  Either way …if perfected, it gets a person what they want.

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