Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “Chinese Wall”

But what’s interesting is that Meghan is the… aggressor? That’s not exactly the right word, since Don doesn’t require a lot of coercion. But it was very clearly her idea. And right before that, she talked about an interest in the creative side of the business, possibly as a copywriter. And right there, she embodied everything that Don is looking for in a woman. Besides the obvious hotness, of course. Like Betty (prior to the end of last season, at least), she admires Don without asking any questions about his past. Like Joan, she gets in there and gets the job done. She’s good with kids, like Sally’s teacher. And now, like Peggy, she’s interested in writing. And (I thought), this would lead to a woman who was exactly what Don needed in his life and thus he would never let it become sexual (as seen in his relationship with the late Anna Draper). She could have been the perfect combination of everything Don Draper values in the various women around him. And now, it’s ruined. (As a side thought – aside from Peggy, is there any woman who is better off for having known Don Draper?)

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