Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “Chinese Wall”

Add to Roger’s hit parade his lovesick puppy routine with Joan and you have a man who is scraping the bottom. He fessed up to Joan about the account, but wasn’t prepared for her to be furious with him, not to mention her denying him sex. He had his own twisted reasons to divorce his wife for Jane, rather than Joan, and they’ve still never discussed that. We also learned that there hasn’t been any more hanky panky since the night of the mugging, and if Joan stands strong, that will be the last time. I have to admire her for it, much as I love those two together. He’s broken her heart too many times, and she has to have some pride now. (“I’m not a solution to your problems. I’m another problem.”) I only wish she’d asked him why he saw fit to marry Jane and not her, but my guess is she doesn’t want to hear the answer. Also, is she exhausted by the stress at work, or because she’s having a baby?

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