Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable – “Chinese Wall”

Speaking of babies, Pete’s camped out with his in-laws in the waiting room at the hospital when he’s semi-ambushed by Ted Chaough, trying to win him over to CGC in the wake the Lucky bombshell. You can tell Pete’s sort of flattered as Ted reads off the laundry list of Pete’s wins over the last year, but he’s ultimately loyal to SCDP, at least for the time being. But Pete’s been undervalued all along, and with Lucky Strike now gone, he might decide to get off the sinking ship, and no one could really blame him.

Don is pulling the classic alcoholic move by counting his drinks, and giving himself a 3 per day limit. That’s a foolproof method right there. As the house of cards is crumbling, he loses it with Glo-Coat, who call to pull their business as well; they want to go in a “different direction”. They say it has nothing to do with the Lucky Strike news, but Don chews them out regardless. He then turns around and gives Pete crap about how he handled his call to them that morning. This is tacky for two reasons. First off, he accuses Pete of being too focused on the impending birth of his child, which isn’t exactly going perfectly or quickly, and secondly, it’s totally not cool in light of what Pete did to cover his ass on National Aviation. How did I suddenly become a cheerleader for Pete Campbell?

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