Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 2, Episode 10 – “The Inheritance” (Oct 7)

Less dramatic, but still eye opening, is the fact that airline travel and a flight from New York to Los Angeles was a big deal.

The male humans on this show certainly take their lumps.  The show opened with Don Draper running a meeting that Pete, Paul Kinsey, and Peggy all attended and Pete and Paul were both useless, causing Don to quip he should take Peggy to Los Angeles because neither of the men had read the information she’d prepared.  But mostly we see the ever-in-control Don being pushed, pulled, kicked, and beaten.  His wife won’t let him come home.  His father-in-law calls him a loner and untrustworthy.  He sleeps in hotels and on floors, or on the couch in his office.

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