Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 2, Episode 10 – “The Inheritance” (Oct 7)


OK, since Don already said ‘creepy’, I’ll have to go with ‘uncomfortable.’  Between young Glenn, who once hid a lock of Betty’s hair and is now holding her hand as they sip Cokes, to the entire relationship between Pete and Peggy; Betty’s dad’s dementia and Betty and Don’s icy interactions, this episode was what The Office might be like if it was not at all funny.  Just kind of makes you cringe.

There sure were a lot of confused folks around NYC and its suburbs in this outing.  Don rushed to Betty’s side when she called to say her father had a stroke.  He played the dutiful hubby role and tried to be supportive.  We met Betty’s brother William for the first time and he clearly resents Don and Betty’s financial health. At one point, she even scolds him to “stop counting other people’s money”, which I think we’ve probably all found ourselves doing at one time or another.

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