Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 2, Episode 10 – “The Inheritance” (Oct 7)

Betty’s father is descending into dementia, or really Alzheimer’s, but no one knew to call it that in 1962, I don’t think.  He confuses Betty for her mother on two occasions, and even gropes her as she serves him breakfast, in front of everyone.  Poor Betty is embarrassed and rattled, of course, but this is the cherry on top of a really lousy year for her, so it’s that much worse.  Later, she sees her childhood housekeeper, who I’m going to guess was also the nanny and surrogate mother, and she tells her the scoop about Dad’s worsening condition.  I kept wishing Betty would spill about Don, but even Viola thinks Betty’s life is perfect, so she just cries on her shoulder, seemingly over just her father.  Dad doesn’t care for Don, by the way, because he has “no people”. More uncomfortable moments.  I’m kind of hoping Gene dies before divorce papers are filed, or just that no one tells the poor man.  He thinks his Betty is a princess, after all.  No pressure there, right?

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