Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 2, Episode 10 – “The Inheritance” (Oct 7)

And then there’s poor, innocent, misguided little Glenn, who is so torn up by his parents’ divorce, he’s hiding in the Drapers’ backyard play house.  He tells Betty his troubles and she provides comfort in the form of clean clothes and food, as any good mother would, but he gets too comfortable, reaching for her hand as they watch TV.  Ooh, man.  Betty snaps out of it when her own kids arrive, and ultimately calls Helen to come get him, earning her ire.  When she comes back to unload on Betty, she gets schooled in responsibility instead, but these two seem to reach a de tante when Betty is finally able to tell someone about her marital woes; maybe the only person who will just let her talk about it without judging her.  Will their talk embolden her to grow up some more or will Glenn’s sad display make her want to work things out for the sake of the children?  Time will tell.

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