Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 2, Episode 9 – “Six Months Leave”

There sure were a lot of people lying on couches in this episode.  You had Freddy, Betty, Don, Pete and Joan.  Their reasons ranged from being passed out drunk to simply exhausted, but it was an interesting motif to string through the episode.  When I saw Joan taking advantage of  Roger’s quiet office, all I could think of is when I used to have an office, and how many days I used to take naps in it…WHEN I WAS PREGNANT.  Just sayin’.  Speaking of Joan being in Roger’s office, how do you think she will take it once all this Jane business hits the fan?  It’s been a crappy spring and summer for our Joan, and Roger finally deciding to leave his wife for Jane, who is her much younger nemesis, is really not going to help matters.

I feel like Peggy handled Freddy’s incident with such understanding and discretion (I loved the way she talked to his secretary, even though we didn’t actually see it.)  It made me think that maybe Peggy’s had some experience dealing with cleaning up after drunks.  Maybe the never-seen Mr. Olson was on the sauce?  I was a bit surprised at how much glee Sal took in making fun of Freddy.  Seemed out of character.  Pete, no shock there.  And I love how the tension between he and Peggy is slowly ratcheting back up.  It’ll boil over again sooner or later.  She’s getting more confident with each success, and now she’s been handed a major promotion after pinch hitting for Freddy.  Peggy’s badass, y’all.

I did not really get the whole deal with Betty setting up her riding pals, both of whom are spoken for, on a surprise date.  Granted, they were both totally up for it, so I clearly don’t know what I’m talking about.  I loved how she checked the time and took the phone off the hook exactly when she knew they’d be calling to find out where she was.  Betty can be so calculating, can’t she?

I’m also still a bit perplexed as to what Betty is doing with Don, aside from enjoying watching him twist in the wind.  She won’t let him off the hook and she won’t give him any idea what she wants to do next.  Not that he doesn’t deserve it, but wow.  I guess the added layer here is that in 1962, and especially in the circles the Drapers move in, you just don’t announce these things.  You either hide them or ignore them, or both.  Betty clearly can’t do either for much longer.

The scenes with Don, Roger and Freddy were fascinating.  How bizarre that they took Freddy to dinner to encourage him to go “dry out” and proceeded to get rip-roaring drunk!  One last fling, I guess.  And Don and Roger’s heart to heart at the bar, where Don expressed relief at the current state of his marriage?  Well, that’s a switch from “The Wheel” back at the end of Season One, huh?  Looking through all the Kodachrome made him wistful and nostalgic, but actually having been kicked out makes him feel sort of free.  Poor Sally and Bobby, but then again, maybe this’ll all be for the best in the long run.  Don and Betty paint a pretty picture, but it’s all a big, fat facade.  It was great to see Don belt Jimmy Barrett, however.  That will never get old.

Don (not Draper)

Freddy Rumsen is fired.  Peggy is hired.  Don Draper is fired (as a husband).  Roger Sterling’s wife is fired (as a wife).  Jane, Don’s super hot assistant, is hired (as a girlfriend-slash-mistress).  Imaginary Stable Boyfriend is hired (as an escort).  Jane, Don’s super hot assistant, is also fired (as Don’s assistant).  Lot’s of endings and new beginnings in this particular episode.

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