Meanwhile, Betty is just killing me. Myndi said most of what I want to say on this plotline, so I don’t have much to add. Betty’s very frustrating – there really is this damaged part of her psyche that leaves her no different from a small child. (Is it safe to assume that there are father issues at work here? Going back to the dream sequence where she saw Gene mopping up blood, it definitely seems like a fear of her father that she never resolved.) And the thing is, she’s not exactly sheltered. She used to be a model. She’s traveled. She’s seen more of the world than most of her friends. And yet, she turns into a little girl at every step. She needs some serious time with a therapist. Possibly one who won’t call Don with updates after each session. Oh, and how great is it that she tossed that strongbox of donations at Henry? See, Betty has her own box of secrets now, just like Don.