Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable Season 3, Episode 9 “Wee Small Hours”

Back to Sal…where is this going?  First, Sal was floored when Don, the one ally he thought he might have, betrayed him by not believing his assertion that he did nothing with Lee.  Of course, Don can’t fathom why one wouldn’t boff a client if asked, and he certainly can’t imagine a gay man, one of “you people” as he put it, resisting an impulse to get it on.  Deep down, Don’s as much of a homophobe as anyone in 1963.  The only part of keeping Sal’s secret he was OK with was the infidelity part; his silence all this time had nothing to do with acceptance.  Sal misread this, and as a result, ended up looking disheveled (for Sal, at least) and lying to his wife from a pay phone in what appeared to be a questionable area of Central Park.  Bryan Batt was pitch perfect in his playing of all his scenes.  I hope this episode is his Emmy reel.

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