Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable Season 3, Episode 9 “Wee Small Hours”


Thanks to Myndi once again for handling the Roundtable solo last week.  I guess it’s not technically a Roundtable then, with just one person.  It’s really more like a TV tray.  By the way, I was on vacation last week, and I spent as much time as possible drinking old-fashioneds like Don Draper.  In fact, that was how I’d order them – “An old-fashioned, just like Don Draper!”  I ended up plugging Mad Men to more than one confused bartender, so it worked out.

Conrad Hilton is quickly becoming a great addition to the series – he’s a nice cross between an earnest old guy and a slightly daffy tycoon.  Like, when he talks about a “Hilton on the moon”, there’s no way to tell if he’s speaking in metaphor of if he’s actually talking about an orbital hotel.  Connie runs hot and cold, and it’s impossible to really gather what it is that he wants.  He so often appears to be disappointed in Don, but never indicates exactly what he’s looking for.  Don never gives the right answer to his philosophical questions, but he just keeps coming back for more.

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