Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable Season 3, Episode 9 “Wee Small Hours”

I’m never going to complain when Sal drops out of the show for a couple of episodes at a time, because every time I see him, he breaks my heart.  Once again, the poor man is slaving away as a director for a client who doesn’t appreciate it.  (And the best joke of the episode is in that scene, Pete hacking away after one puff on a cigarette.)  After criticizing his work, Lee Garner puts the moves on him.  (Now, do we know if Sal’s ever actually been intimate with another man?  It seems like every time, he’s either put the brakes on it, or there’s been a fire alarm.)  When Sal doesn’t give in, Lee demands that he be fired.  The funny thing is, though Harry Crane keeps insisting that he doesn’t have the authority to fire him, he probably actually does.  Harry’s gotten a promotion or two this season already, and he doesn’t really seem aware of it.

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