Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable Season 3, “My Old Kentucky Home”

Finally, Roger and Jane throw the most depressing garden party in recorded history.  This week convinced me that Jane is an awful person, and she makes Roger worse.  Heck, they even acknowledge that she’s the one who thought the blackface was a good idea.  There was some interesting social maneuvering throughout these scenes – poor Harry Crane can’t catch a break, and neither Betty nor Trudy will put forth the slightest effort to include his wife.  We don’t really know her very well – is there a reason why they don’t seem to like her?  I think Don’s uncomfortable with Harry since the end of Season One, when he discovered him sleeping in the office.  Harry brought a little more emotion to that interaction than Don could really handle.  And maybe it’s just that the specifics of Harry’s job don’t involve Don enough that he feels like he needs to socialize.  I mean, he hates Pete, but he feels like he needs to keep an eye on him.

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