Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable Season 3, “My Old Kentucky Home”

Once again, we see Don opening up more a stranger than to his own family in a really well-done scene.  I like whenever Don has legitimate interactions that don’t stand to further any business or familial obligations.  And Betty continued her longstanding habit of allowing people to be inappropriate with her body, letting a stranger touch her belly.  (I can’t help but feel that Betty’s fascination with prostitution may not be over, just on hold.)

Roger attempted to clear the air with Don, but didn’t get anywhere with it.  You just know that Roger walked away from that interaction feeling like Don was jealous of his own awesomeness.  I’m not convinced that Don’s biggest issue with Roger isn’t that he looks like a fool now.  Maybe he looked at Roger’s old life as something he could aspire to, where he could spend decades raising a family, and still maintain his vices, and then Roger threw that away.  I don’t know, but I really hope these old friends can patch things up – I really enjoy their interactions when they like one another.  Also, Roger never did blackface when he was hanging out with Don, and I think we can agree that’s a good thing.

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