Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable Season 3, “My Old Kentucky Home”


Peggy is being telegraphed as the future embodiment of feminism, and I see her marching with big NOW signs and burning bras while some Helen Reddy plays in the background.  But, for now, in the ’60s, she’s still finding her way, and it’s great to watch her continue to grow and change.  And dare I say that she has a new admirer in Smitty?



And then there’s Joan.  Our gal Joanie, who takes shit from no one and is now learning that there are others who are not enamored of Greg either, namely his colleague’s wife.  When Greg took issue with how she set the table for dinner, and said he didn’t want to fight anymore, she told him to stop talking.  And it does just figure she’d host a dinner party as handily as she runs the office.  Which she won’t be leaving any time soon, since Greg apparently blew his shot at Chief Resident by botching a surgery that he neglected to tell Joan about.  The irony of Joan being proficient at the accordion of all instruments was not lost on anyone either.  I’m guessing that marital bed was a cold place that night. Maybe we’re going to see Joan pull herself up by the bootstraps and seek out a mentor in Peggy, the woman who once admired and sought to learn from her at Sterling Cooper.

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