Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable Season 3, “My Old Kentucky Home”

Oh, and what book was Gene making Sally read to him?  The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. That’s about as apt a metaphor for 1963 America as you’re likely to find, but it’s hard not to think that it’s an allusion to the coming days at Sterling-Cooper.

Speaking of Sterling-Cooper, Elisabeth Moss continues to own the season with her performance this week.  Between the drug jokes and the clingy dealer, it was like a highbrow take on Pineapple Express.  In general, I’m not that amused by pot humor, but high Peggy is hilarious.  “I am hungry, it’s just not worth moving.”  I’m undecided as to whether Peggy’s new explorations are a reflection of her own growth or if she’s just trying to do things that she sees other people do.  Is she trying to find her own path, or just making sure that she’s included in as many things as possible?

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