Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 3, “The Arrangements”


Finally, I’m not sure what to make of this yet, but have you noticed the increasing importance of television in the world of Mad Men?  It’s always been a part of their daily lives, but this season we’re more likely to see people watching TV in a scene.  And now we see the people at Sterling-Cooper think about the TV campaign first and foremost, where their focus had previously been print.  Obviously, TV was becoming more and more prevalent in the real world at this time, and they’re only months away from the moment in which television united a nation in grief.  But to my mind, there’s something thematic happening there that I can’t quite put my finger on.  Just look at the scene in which Peggy presents her mother with the new TV – we see much of this scene play out in the reflection on the screen of that TV.  (Which is an awfully striking shot, by the way.)  It will be interesting to see where they’re going with this imagery.  I know they’re going somewhere, though.

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