Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 3, “The Arrangements”


He attempted to reach out to little Bobby as well, but Don was not really having the whole idea of Bobby taking the Prussian helmet caked in a dead man’s blood in for show and tell.  It was a nice glimpse into his parental side to see Don worry when Gene had Bobby wield that knife to open the box of his war booty and put his foot down about the helmet.  Kind of ironic, too, though.

Betty continued to be cold all the way around, and I’m now thinking her constant drinking and smoking might somehow result in a bad situation for the unborn child that wasn’t really wanted from the start.  One board posting I read mentioned that Jackie Kennedy was also pregnant at this time with a baby she ultimately lost, so that would be a strange and sad parallel.  Gene tried to discuss “the arrangements” with her but she was appalled by what he was asking her to handle for some reason, acting more like a petulant child than a grown woman.

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