Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Season 3, “The Arrangements”

Two client stories played out this week, too.  The first had a huge impact on Sal’s future, both personal and professional.  The director for the Patio commercial with the ill-fated Bye Bye Birdie theme backed out last minute and Don made the quick call to have Sal direct.  He was excited but nervous.  Later, at home, his poor wife Kitty tried to seduce Sal (who was buttoned up to the neck in his silk pjs, which is a big ol’ hint in and of itself, circa 1963) and he brushed her off, using work as an excuse (“I’m not myself.”  No kidding!).  Disappointed, as this is clearly a pattern, Kitty prods for more and says she needs “tending”.  Sal went into a whole story about concern for his job and proceeded to tell her about the commercial in flamboyant detail.  By the time he reached the end, her enthusiasm has turned to bemusement and when he held her close, glad to share the excitement, the realization that she is married to a homosexual was written clear as day all over Kitty’s face.  It’s a great scene.

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