Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable-“Tomorrowland”

Oh, Betty.  Once again, your petty, childish and short-sighted actions make it impossible to sympathize with your plight.  I still don’t get how Betty’s life is so hard.  She’s a housewife with a nanny who can barely stand to interact with her children.  What does she even do all day besides smoke and patrol the neighborhood for Sally hiding out with Glenn?  And Henry’s angry reaction to Betty’s impulsive firing of the long-suffering Carla without his knowledge, at such a crucial time for the kids no less, was probably laying some groundwork for next season.  He’s seeing more everyday how nothing can ever really make this woman happy, and he’s got to be wondering, yet again,  whether or not he’s made the right decision with her.  And now that Don has gotten engaged to Megan, a woman who the kids love and she seems to love right back, she’s going to have competition on that front for the first time ever.  Will it prompt her become even more distant from her children, or actually fight for their affections?

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