Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable-“Tomorrowland”

The future of SCDP seemed a little more secure thanks to Peggy’s clutch performance in winning the Topaz pantyhose account.  It’s been a great season for our Miss Olson.  It’s been so nice to see her emerge from the darkness of “The Suitcase” into the start of a happy relationship with Abe, a friendship with Joyce and a growing social conscience.  Add that to a career that is headed in the right direction no matter what becomes of the agency, and 1965 has kind of been her year.

Joan, on the other hand, is in the middle of a tough one, and my guess is that it will only get worse, despite her promotion that came with no raise (how very 2010, by the way.)  She’s officially still pregnant, as I assumed she would be, and she’s going to tell everyone it’s Greg’s baby instead of Roger’s.  I’m pretty sure she’ll be a single mother by the time we see her next.  And how will this affect Roger, who will know it’s his child?  That’s a story I can’t wait to see play out.  I think my favorite scene in the finale was when Peggy went into Joan’s office to vent about Don and Megan and instead of being met by a put down, she and Joan actually had a real conversation like friends.  I really hope this is the beginning of these two amazing women joining forces.

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