Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable-“Tomorrowland”

And can you imagine if this marriage falls apart?  The kids adore her, and it would be easy for Don to fall off of his pedestal if he hurts her.  Sally blames her mother for the divorce, and transfers all of her love to Don.  What happens if Don screws this up?  Will Sally turn on him?  It is a little worrisome that his proposal seems mostly motivated by the fact that he happened to have a ring on him.

I’d like to think that Meghan isn’t another Jane, but we don’t really know much about her.  Yes, she seems nice and lovely, but we have no background.  We’ve never watched her really interact with anyone other than Don and Sally – we don’t know what kind of person she actually is.  She says she wants to be a copy writer, which would seem to be a good sign, but that might just be something she says.  We don’t even know if she has any talent in that direction.  I mean, I can say that I wanted to play Batman in the next movie, but saying it doesn’t mean I’m a potential candidate.  I want her to be good for Don and the kids, but right now, we can only guess.

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