Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable-“Tomorrowland”

I loved Peggy’s reaction to the news.  She’s not jealous, I don’t think.  I see it as her being disappointed in Don.  By marrying his secretary, he’s become another Roger Sterling.  He was somebody to be admired, and now he’s just an out-of-touch older man.  Peggy idolizes him, and any time Don starts to seem like the Old Guard, it’s hard for her.  But I would love to see more Peggy/Joan scenes like the one we got this week.  They’re fantastic together.

And speaking of Joan – we now know that she’s keeping the baby and fudging the timeline for her husband.  I’m sure that I’m not alone in hating stupid Greg, and it always upsets me a little when she tries so hard to make it work.  I understand why she’s trying, I guess, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.  Still, I’m really hoping that baby is a dead ringer for Roger.

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