Mad Men

Mad Men Roundtable: Waldorf Stories

Peggy was so frustrated with Don this week…he’d taken all the credit for the Glo-Coat spot for which SCDP won a Clio and then drunkenly, unknowingly stole a tagline from the book of young interviewee Danny, who just happened to be Roger’s wife Jane’s cousin.  The interview had been nothing more than a courtesy as far as Don was concerned, but Roger assumed the kid would be hired, otherwise he’d be on the hook for a big present to his entitled little Mrs.  When Peggy finally tracked Don down at his apartment after a lost weekend to let him know he had to “fix it”, you could sense her exasperation with the man she simultaneously reveres and wants to punch in the gut.  How much longer before Peggy can break from her shackles at SCDP?  And, after starting the weekend with one woman and coming to on Sunday afternoon with another (a waitress whom he’d introduced himself to as “Dick”), plus missing time with the kids, when will Don finally hit rock bottom?

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