The 12 Days of Christmas Episodes

25 Days of Christmas Episodes – Day 6 – The Sopranos “…To Save us All from Satan’s Power”

The Sopranos – “…To Save Us All from Satan’s Power…”
Original airdate 4/29/01

That’s right, The Sopranos had a Christmas episode. And just check out that airdate. Nothing says “Seasons Greetings” like the end of April!
As a die-hard fan, it pains me to say this. However, all things considered, this is one of the weakest episodes of the series. It begins with Tony reminiscing about his friend, Big Pussy. Tony executed Pussy at the end of last season, and has dreamt about him ever since. The flashbacks begin in an incredibly clunky fashion with immediate references to OJ Simpson’s civil trial and Value Jet. Get it? It’s the past! Sorry. For a series that’s so consistently well written, there are some really clunky moments in this episode. On the plus side, the flashbacks do indicate that Pussy might have been working for the Feds much earlier than we ever knew. This sets a precedent for a surprise betrayal at the end of Season Five, but we’re completely off track already.

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