The 12 Days of Christmas Episodes

The 25 Days of Christmas Episodes – Day 17 – Curb Your Enthusiasm “Mary, Joseph, & Larry”

Curb Your Enthusiasm – “Mary, Joseph, & Larry”
Original airdate 11/10/02
The holiday merriment begins with Larry David visiting the doctor because he has a pubic hair caught in his throat. So few classic Christmas stores use that plot device, and it’s really a shame.
Larry has a visit from his wife’s family and the intricacies of holiday tipping to contend with. On the tipping front, he makes the deadly mistake of not measuring out his tips, tipping his gardener twice as much as he tipped his housekeeper. And then at his country club, he (possibly) tips the same waiter twice. Being Larry, he tries to talk that waiter into giving him back the second tip, which the waiter denies having received. So basically, Larry managed to completely drain all the joy from a holiday gesture of goodwill.

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