The Simpsons – “Marge Be Not Proud”
Original airdate 12/17/95
That’s right, for Christmas Day, I have to go with my favorite series of all time. But which of the
array of Simpsons holiday episodes to choose? The battle against Funzo? Lisa’s switch to Buddhism? Simpsons Christmas Stories? Heck, the series premiere was a Christmas episode. But for me, there’s really no question at all, as this Season Seven installment is one of favorite Simpsons episodes of all time.

This episode, the first Christmas-themed Simpsons since the premiere, opens with Krusty the Klown hosting a Christmas special. Lisa point out that Krusty is Jewish, and Bart explains that “Christmas is when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ.” And then everything changes when they see and ad for the new videogame “Bonestorm”. (Slogan: “Buy me Bonestorm or go to Hell!”) Within 30 seconds, Bart decides that he’s never wanted anything more than he wants that game.
With regard to the best line: “Sure, now he’s just a little boy stealing little toys. But before you know it, he’ll be a grown man, stealing stadiums and quarries.”
Did anybody notice this was a blatant reference to the early Carmen Sandiego games? In them, Carmen’s hoodlums frequently stole ridiculous things, like stadiums…and quarries.