The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Catch You On the Flippity-Flip”

Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe – We’ve been looking forward to this one for a year now – it’s a Burn Notice prequel focused on Bruce Campbell’s character.  Set in 2005, it has Sam facing a Navy inquiry board after a controversial mission, and we learn exactly why Sam was discharged before the series began.  We’re huge fans of Bruce around here, and this TV-movie had him at his best.  After sleeping with a superior officer’s wife, Sam ended up on a suicide mission in Colombia.  While he was ostensibly supposed to protect a medical clinic from a local terrorist cell, it turned out that the terrorists weren’t that dangerous, but his contacts in the Colombian military were the real threat.  Sam had to work to save the clinic without letting his handlers know that he was up to anything, and then explain his actions to his superiors.  They were especially upset that he ended up training the suspected terrorists, even though all of his tactics came from JV football and they all ended in a retreat.  This was really fun, with plenty of references to Bruce’s movie work, and a couple of killer jokes.  (The Colombians called him “La Barbilla”, which translates to “The Chin”.)

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