The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Catch You On the Flippity-Flip”

Parks & Recreation–There was an art show this week, sponsored by the Pawnee government, to create art for public buildings.  Leslie goaded Ron into giving an opening speech by kvetching at him ala Amy’s old SNL character, Caitlin.  The speech was classic.  Here’s an excerpt:  “Why the goverment is involved in an art show is beyond me.  I also think it’s pointless for a human to paint scenes of nature, when they can just go outside and stand in it.  Please do not misinterpret the fact that I’m talking right now as genuine interest in art and attempt to discuss it with me further.  End of speech.”  Also, Jerry painted a scene of a female centaur (yes, half woman, half horse)  and a fat cupid-like baby, who looked like Leslie and Tom  respectively.  Oh, and since it was a centaur, the human torso of the creature was nude.  After a moment of shock, Leslie loved it, but Tom hated that he was the baby.  Leslie became empowered, wearing low-cut tops and a small braid in her hair (just like in the picture), and wound up having a discussion about how we define pornography with Perd Hapley and an adult film star on live TV.  While the picture didn’t get to stay up in public, Leslie was able to sneak it home, which is all she really wanted.  Ben reluctantly moved in with April and Andy, who are cheerily trashing their friend’s house; leaving giant messes everywhere, and eating off frisbees with a shared fork.  Ben is nice enough to front them enough rent money to go stock up on things like plates and a dish drainer at Bed, Bath & Beyond.  They almost get derailed by the magic of the As Seen on TV section, but Andy comes to his senses, and convinces April that being an adult doesn’t have to equal boring.  Except for when they thaw out all the bills they were keeping in the freezer; that’ll be boring and depressing.  There’s also the delightful sexual tension between Leslie and Ben that has to be broken soon.  Leslie just wants to make out with the lightbulb she wants to make out with, darn it!

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