The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy “Catch You On the Flippity-Flip”

Community – After last week’s fantastic fake clip show, they followed up with another 80s sitcom staple – childbirth in a non-traditional setting!  Shirley went into labor during the Anthropology exam (which was actually just Professor Duncan giving everybody A’s and drinking).  And thanks to a “race kerfuffle”, the ambulance couldn’t get to her.  This episode provided a sweet conclusion to the Chang/Shirley arc and it gave everybody some really nice moments.  Yvette Nicole Brown has been underused lately, so it was good to see Shirley get a chance to shine.  (A pregnant woman yelling during her contractions is funny.  A pregnant woman who’s also deeply religious and isn’t good at swearing makes it even funnier.)  Then there was Pierce’s indecent proposal, Britta and Jeff bickering about parenting and childbirth, Chang’s tales of childbirth, Fat Neil and Vicki bonding, and Star-Burns’ excitement over every single thing that anybody said to him.  John Oliver was awesome as Duncan, as always.  The man is clearly the worst educator ever, and we hope he ends up teaching whatever class the group takes next season.  And of course, there’s Dean Pelton.  He was on edge to begin with, since he was being shadowed by a reporter from Dean Magazine, and then the childbirth and the food-truck race riot just put him over the edge.  We admit, we’re partial to him because he looks exactly like a live-action Dr. Venture, but he’s been consistently hilarious.  And by the way, did you see the ad for next week’s episode?  Not only is a follow-up to last year’s “Modern Warfare”, but it features special guest-star Josh “Sawyer” Holloway.  We’re praying that he gives out some nicknames and utters at least one “son of a bitch”.

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